Deep Tech recruiting in Switzerland

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Dieser virtuelle Roundtable wurde auf Englisch durchgeführt

Gain valuable insights into navigating the Swiss and European talent market and optimizing their recruitment strategies

This event is tailored to the leadership of U.S. scaleups looking to expand their engineering operations to Europe Switzerland is renowned for its strong tech ecosystem and a pool of skilled professionals, making it an attractive destination for companies seeking top-notch talent. The Greater Zurich Area, in particular, houses numerous innovative startups and established tech firms, fostering a thriving environment for collaboration and networking. By participating in this webinar, attendees can gain valuable insights into navigating the local and European talent market and optimizing their recruitment strategies, ensuring a successful expansion into the European tech landscape.

What is in for you

  • A discussion on the availability of talent in Europe
  • How to recruit in Web3 and AI
  • Pitfalls to avoid when recruiting in Europe
  • Lessons learned from growing tech teams in Switzerland
  • A discussion on labor law considerations when hiring


Questions? Reach out.

Lukas Sieber Portrait
Lukas Sieber
Executive Director USA
Greater Zurich is renowned for its strong tech ecosystem and a pool of skilled professionals

More about Greater Zurich as a talent market

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