Zurich - A team from the Balgrist University Hospital has developed an innovative surgical approach to treat what is known as Dropped Head Syndrome without any need to stiffen the cervical and thoracic vertebrae for the first time. This avoids any impairment to the patient’s quality of life.

A new surgical technique has been developed to treat Dropped Head Syndrome without the need to reinforce cervical or thoracic vertebrae for the first time. According to a press release, this innovative form of surgery was developed by Mazda Farshad, Chief Physician and Director of the University Spine Center Zurich at Balgrist University Hospital, in conjunction with his team.

New surgical technology avoids reinforcing vertebrae
Foto-Credit: Balgrist

Patients suffering from this syndrome are unable to hold up their head. This is because the muscular system required for this is simply not strong enough. Up to now, patients had to undergo major surgery to reinforce and stiffen the cervical and thoracic vertebrae in order to treat this problem. It was the only treatment option available.

At the Balgrist University Hospital, the new surgical method was used to treat a 68-year-old patient around 18 months ago. This process involved attaching the head to the spine by way of ligaments. According to the hospital, the patients has lived practically symptom-free since then.

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