2021 年发布的 ChatGPT 背后的公司 OpenAI 正在苏黎世设立其第五个欧洲办事处。这家总部位于旧金山的公司在北美计算机杂志《连线》(Wired)发表的一份内部备忘录中,通知其员工,位于苏黎世的新子公司将由来自其竞争对手谷歌 DeepMind(也位于苏黎世)的 Lucas Beyer、Alexander Kolesnikov 和翟晓华领导。
据报道,这三位计算机视觉和机器学习工程师现已受聘,为 OpenAI 开发多模态人工智能(AI)模型。预计这些模型有望能在从图像到音频等各种媒体中执行任务。OpenAI 研究部高级副总裁 Mark Chen 在《新苏黎世报》(Neue Zürcher Zeitung)的一篇文章中评论道: “我们很高兴通过在苏黎世开设办事处,扩大我们的国际影响力,苏黎世已经发展成为欧洲领先的技术中心。
Beyer 的私人网页上写道,他还在 DeepMind 共同领导多模态研究活动和代码库,并与翟晓华和 Alexander Kolesnikov 密切合作。Beyer 经常向他在推特上的约 7 万名粉丝汇报 OpenAI 的研究成果,并就围绕该公司的公共争议发表自己的看法。
OpenAI 已经在伦敦、东京和其他城市设立了分支机构。根据所提供的信息,这家目前非营利的公司除了在苏黎世设立新办事处外,还计划在纽约、西雅图、布鲁塞尔、巴黎和新加坡设立更多的子公司。
据英国《金融时报》(The Financial Times) 年初报道,苹果公司还从谷歌公司挖走了几位人工智能专家,在 “位于苏黎世的欧洲秘密实验室 ”工作。
除了 OpenAI 的扩张,人工智能领域的另一家领军企业 Anthropic 最近也在苏黎世建立了新基地。Anthropic 以专注于人工智能系统的安全性和协调性而闻名。该公司表示,其苏黎世办事处将成为他们欧洲业务和研究计划的中心。此举凸显了苏黎世作为全球人工智能研究与开发的重要目的地,具有日益重要的意义,更进一步巩固了苏黎世作为欧洲领先技术中心的声誉。

Beyer’s private webpage states that he co-led multimodal research activities and the codebase also at DeepMind and has already worked closely with Xiaohua Zhai and Alexander Kolesnikov there. Beyer frequently reported on OpenAI’s research results to his approximately 70,000 followers on X and gave his views on public controversies surrounding the company.
OpenAI already has outposts in London, Tokyo, and other cities. According to the information provided, the currently not-for-profit company plans to open up further subsidiaries in New York City, Seattle, Brussels, Paris, and Singapore in addition to the new office in Zurich.
The Financial Times reported at the start of the year that Apple has also headhunted several AI specialists from Google to work in a “secret European lab in Zurich.”
In addition to OpenAI's expansion, Anthropic, another leading player in the AI field, has recently established a new base in Zurich. Anthropic, known for its focus on safety and alignment in AI systems, stated that its Zurich office will serve as a hub for its European operations and research initiatives. The move highlights Zurich's growing significance as a key destination for global AI research and development, further cementing the city's reputation as a leading technology center in Europe.

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