GZA webinar series: Scale in Switzerland - Accelerator Programs

Scale in Switzerland


The Greater Zurich Area has a wealth of accelerators that can meet the needs of your business as it grows and scales. Kickstart, ImpactHub Venturelab and F10 are among Europe's leading innovation platforms, and there are many other internationally renowned accelerators available across a number of verticals including FinTech & InsurTech, Life Sciences & Health Tech, Food & Retail Tech or Smart City & Technology. 

Join our webinar on April 15, 2020 to learn about unprecedented collaboration between powerful established organizations and the most audacious entrepreneurs out there.

Meet the speakers Christoph Birkholz, Chairman and Co-Founder of Kickstart Innovation and Impact Hub Zurich; Havell Rodrigues, CEO & Founder of Adjoint; Désirée Wagner, Partner Success Manager at Plug and Play Tech Center; Robby Toole, Director Accelerate Geneva Program at Plug and Play Tech Center and Christian Kunz, Director of Corporate Development at Plug and Play Tech Center.

Here's what you can learn:

  • How to scale your startup and initiate deep tech partnerships with Kickstart (application opens on April 6, 2020)
  • How Havell Rodrigues launched his startup in Switzerland leveraging the Kickstart experience
  • Why the world's largest global innovation platform Plug and Play chose Switzerland

The speakers will answer your own questions in a Q&A session at the end of the webinar. 

Submit any questions prior to the webinar to lukas.sieber@greaterzuricharea.com


Christoph Birkholz Impact Hub



Christoph Birkholz
Co-Founder & Chairman Kickstart Innovation & Impact Hub Zurich

Havell Rodrigues, Adjoint



Havell Rodrigues
CEO & Founder Adjoint

Désirée Wagner, Partner Success Manager at Plug and Play Tech Center



Désirée Wagner
Partner Success Manager at Plug and Play Tech Center

Robby Toole, Director Accelerate Geneva Program at Plug and Play Tech Center



Robby Toole
Director Accelerate Geneva Program at Plug and Play Tech Center

Christian Kunz, Director of Corporate Development at Plug and Play Tech Center



Christian Kunz, Director of Corporate Development at Plug and Play Tech Center


Lukas Sieber Portrait
Lukas Sieber
Executive Director USA

Submit any questions prior to the webinar to lukas.sieber@greaterzuricharea.com

Meet the unicorns

Haben Sie unser letztes Webinar zum Thema Start-ups verpasst?

Erfahren Sie in unserem Webinar warum Numbrs und Acronis überzeugt vom Wirtschaftsstandort Zürich sind.

Wirtschaftsraum Zürich als Standort für Start-ups

Erfolgreiche Jungunternehmen aus innovativen Technologiefelder stehen exemplarisch für die Innovationskraft und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit eines Standorts. 2019 war ein Rekordjahr für die lebendige und vielfältige Start-up-Szene der Schweiz. 

Update on coronavirus

We have gathered the most important information and links on COVID-19 for companies and individuals regarding the current situation in the Greater Zurich Area and Switzerland. 

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