Dübendorf/Zug - The digital insurance provider Smile in the canton of Zurich is making its services and offerings tangible in 3D in the metaverse. With technical support from IT consulting firm inacta, it has created virtual rooms where customers can have consultation appointments and directly conclude insurance.

The Zurich insurance company Smile has become the first provider to bring its services to the Web 3.0, as was reported in a press release. In this way, Smile is positioning itself as a forward-thinking, technology-driven company in the Swiss insurance landscape that is capturing the pulse of the new generations. Customers can dive into a virtual world and experience the insurer’s offerings in 3D in the smile.meta living room for household insurance and the smile.meta garage for car insurance. They can directly conclude insurance here as well.

The technology for this step into the metaverse was made possible by Inacta AG. Smile engaged the Zug-based IT consulting firm as a system integrator, since it has “great understanding of the insurance sector and is therefore able to exploit the possibilities offered by Web 3.0 to create tangible solutions for companies such as Smile”.

Currently, the company is still at the very beginning when it comes to metaverse, explained Roberto Monosi, Head Customer Care at Smile. “However, due to its immersive nature, we see great potential to create a completely new customer experience and delight customers of today and tomorrow.” The company is preparing for this with its smile.meta-experience.

Daniel Rutishauser, Head of Blockchain at inacta, is confident that “bringing together the physical and virtual worlds” will “facilitate a never-before-seen way of interacting between people”. Now, Smile says, is the time “to explore what exactly that means for a company”. mm

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