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Roche, UZH and USZ collaborate to explore uses for health data
Basel/Zurich - Roche, the University of Zurich (UZH) and the University Hospital Zurich (USZ) have signed a research collaboration agreement to investigate the use of Real World Data. Initially, the p...
Klepsydra AI and Frontgrade Gaisler bring AI to space
Volketswil - The software company Klepsydra AI and Frontgrade Gaisler from Gothenburg have announced a collaboration to adapt the microprocessors used in space missions. The initiative is part of a co...
Why cleantech thrives in the Greater Zurich Area
The Greater Zurich Area is a vibrant hub for the cleantech sector, underpinned by the Swiss people's commitment to sustainability and environmental innovation. The nation's advanced environmental poli...
EraCal Therapeutics grants license to Novo Nordisk
Schlieren/Bagsværd - EraCal Therapeutics has granted the rights to its oral program for controlling appetite and obesity to Danish pharma producer Novo Nordisk. The agreement provides for payments of ...
Odne secures fifth investment from the Dental Innovation Alliance
Dübendorf/Raleigh - The North American venture capital firm Dental Innovation Alliance has made a fifth investment in Odne. This will support the market launch of an innovative root canal treatment, w...
ETH Zurich conducts research into resilience of pharma supply chains
Zurich - Researchers from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH) have developed a navigation system that helps to avoid supply chain bottlenecks for medication. They have shown that...
DISCO Pharmaceuticals secures seed funding of 20 million euros
Schlieren/Cologne - DISCO Pharmaceuticals has secured seed funding of 20 million euros and officially launched the business. The team has successfully mapped the organization of proteins on the surfac...
Supercomputers help to reduce inequality
Zurich/Davos - The Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich have launched the International Computation and AI Network. The aim of the network of s...
SBAS artificial intelligence interprets blood test results
Zurich - Zurich-based Smart Blood Analytics Swiss has become the first company to obtain EU-MDR certification for software that uses artificial intelligence to interpret blood test results. This will ...

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